“Follow your heart. When the heart calls, you must answer. We may not know why or have the full reason, but the desire to follow it rarely ever goes away. If we don't follow, we may spend the rest of our lives wishing we had.

May you be open to experience the fulfillment that’s waiting for you on your path. May the internal struggle be put at ease so your fire can grow brighter than you’ve ever imagined. May you find a purpose filled life.”

-Empress Iyahdae

The Story of a Photographer

Introducing Empress Iyahdae Rose, a true Atlanta native whose passion for photography was ignited at a young age. At just nine years old, Empress found herself captivated by the enchanting world of photography as she explored the pages of tabletop photo books. It was there that she discovered the power of images and their ability to tell compelling stories.

During her teenage years, Empress's artistic journey took a remarkable turn. Inspired by the photographs she admired, she began creating astonishingly realistic portraits with graphite pencils, skillfully mimicking the essence of photographs. This early pursuit of capturing intricate details set the foundation for her future endeavors.

In her first year of college, Empress embraced a new chapter as she purchased her very first camera, a Pentax k1000. This marked the beginning of a profound connection between Empress and the art of photography. Over the course of two decades, she honed her craft, continuously seeking growth and development in through various mediums.

It was later in her career that Empress embarked on a new venture, delving into real estate photography through her mother, a seasoned real estate agent. Immersing herself in capturing the essence of houses and room spaces, Empress gained a deep understanding of symmetry, space, and perspective. These foundational elements now breathe life into her present-day work.

Empress's true passion lies in the documentary aspect of photography. Every click of her camera captures a fleeting moment in time, forever immortalizing it. She believes that photographs, coupled with the stories shared by those who were present, serve as the only tangible proof of those cherished memories. Through her lens, Empress masterfully weaves stories, transcending the mere documentation of events and embracing the art of storytelling.

With a distinctive style characterized by chiaroscuro-dark and moody undertones, Empress brings her unique vision to life through bold deep colors, meticulous attention to contours, and a profound appreciation for geometry. Her photographs become a canvas where symbolism and hidden meanings intertwine, creating intentional works of art. Within each frame, a captivating narrative yearns to be discovered, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of visual storytelling.

Empress Iyahdae's photography is a testament to her unwavering dedication to the craft. More than a photographer; she is a storyteller who paints with light. Her images not only encapsulate the essence of a moment but also serve as a testament to her own personal experiences. As an Atlanta native and an artist, she continues to push the boundaries of creativity, inspiring others with her evocative and captivating visual tales.