Freedom: The Butterfly journey

The strength you need is always within you. When you find agape love, you spread agape love. It is truly the purest of sources. Life is beautiful.


Where it all begins. In the cocoon recreating oneself to be something greater. A caterpillar must completely dissolve into liquid to gain its wings. A gift is like the markings of a butterfly, unique to its kind. Everyone has a gift. Some gifts are known, some gifts are discovered after tragedies occur. Your darkest hour can be the moment you find your greatest gift. You are a gift and can be a gift to others through kindness and love, especially after healing.


Acceptance is necessary for healing. You must accept all parts of you, the good and the less favorable. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to be you. Show up as your authentic self, scars and all. Imperfections are beautiful.


Things that no longer serve us carry weight that our wings are much too fragile to hold. Anger and fear do not serve our highest good and keep us in bondage to our traumas. You must forgive yourself and others to free yourself.

Mi Amor

Loving yourself involves forgiving yourself for what you didn't know. It's seeking validation from the source within instead of seeking it from others who have yet to understand you. It's believing in yourself. It's setting boundaries and demanding respect. When you vibrate from that space of love, you attract the love you seek.


Everything must find balance in order to exist. I was always told by my Teacher to "master my emotions". Emotions block the channel from being able to receive the answers. Now I understand it's to master your triggers that cause the emotional responses and seek understanding versus being reactive. The way to the center is through accountability and honesty. It's finding your truth.


You can find the good in any situation through appreciation and gratitude. Even if it's just for the lesson that is to be learned. You can thank the people that didn't appreciate you. They were tools to your enlightenment. Live in the moment and remember the small genuine things that make you smile.

You are Magic

There is magic all around you. You can create magic. You are the creator of your life. All you have to do is believe in yourself. Your uniqueness is your magic. Your signs, stories and lessons learned are your magic.


Faith is trusting the process. The most beautiful things can happen when your don't always have a plan. It's shifting perspectives from things happening to you, to things happening FOR you. It's putting out good intentions and knowing it will be returned to you. Faith is the glue that keeps us from giving up.



Gratitude is seeing the beauty in life's details. It's another key to freedom and a path to peace. Focus your attention on at least one thing to be grateful for everyday, even in the midst of chaos. Gratitude will keep you grounded.


Many receive the calling, but only a few will follow through. If Spirit calls you to it, believe that the way is already taken care of for you. You wouldn't receive the message without the resources needed. Allow the magic to unfold in every step. Watch how Spirit shows up for you better than you could have planned or imagined. While some roads are longer than others, everything serves a purpose. Don’t let fear stop you from living. Faith is believing and being comfortable in knowing none other than trusting you will be ok. Follow your heart.

A rare moment

The images of the butterfly were taken at the end of a photoshoot at a local horse ranch. The models and I had walked back to get our things and there she was, sitting on a bag. She then flew to greet everyone in the circle, playing and flirting, delivering a message needed to whomever she touched. I was honored to be there with my camera to capture the grace of Mother Nature’s divine creatures.

Original artwork above with organic border and frame are for sale. Please contact for info and pricing.

Own a print from the butterfly journey

Prints for this exhibit are now available. The intentions behind each print is to remind you to choose love, learning and the life you want to create. It's to remind you that there are no limitations to your dreams. You own your story and your truth.

*Prints only (not with border or mat)
All artwork remains the copyright of Empress Iyahdae Rose. Reproduction in any form is prohibited.
For personal use only.
Contact for requests of Certificate of Authenticity. Name & address must match to order.

Purchase your print

Exhibit from May 7, 2023 at AMLI Arts Center hosted by The Vegan Faction.

Photos by Rashad Andre White @_rashad.andre