free photoshoots for breast cancer survivors.

The Color Pink Project began in 2019 and is an inspiring movement that assists breast cancer survivors with creating new and vibrant perspectives of themselves in their newfound beauty. The project helps women to illuminate their strength in the midst of vulnerability. 

Post therapy, women most often remain subconscious about their new bodies and feel that they have little to no control over their appearances, but I find bravery and beauty in all of them. I encourage these women to see themselves through a new lens using art and photography to transform and capture their most graceful and elegant essences.

There are defining images of 14 dignified women in the first phase of the project taken before the pandemic. Their light shines through the photographs, and their glow is electrifying. The Color Pink Project is returning to give other women the opportunity to share their experience.

The Color Pink Project has assisted these survivors in their transformations. They felt safe to be vulnerable and share their stories. Most haven’t seen themselves in this new found luminescence, even before embarking upon their journeys. 

For inquiries, I ask that each participant to come as she is. No makeup, no extras unless they feel that these aids are essential. The focus is showing the beauty of rawness, vulnerability and healed wounds. I ask that each woman be comfortable with being topless. I want to show women that they are still beautiful without trying to be.

If you are interested in being a part of this movement, fill out the form below.

This project is currently being offered for Atlanta.

*I am not a breast cancer survivor but an artist with a purpose to transform perspectives and inspire others with my gift.


The Color Pink Project is free for breast cancer survivors. Public support is greatly appreciated to keep the project moving forward. If you would like to donate funds, click below. To donate other resources, please fill out the form above. Thank you!